Good grief. From the headline "SAT MD heals wounds with Latin tongue"/ "Wounds healed with Latin tongue by SatMd" I was expecting at least an incantation or two, or what a mother bear does to her cubs...but all it was was a "press release" advertising Michael DiSalvo's SAT preparation services. Of couse, I do agree with the strategy: learning Latin! I can't help but think, however, that there's a vein of salaciousness in this story of licking students into shape.
Touche'. I accept the critique. I have chosen less provocative (if they be so-called) titles since then, however-- though I don't see what is scandalous about my article itself. If it revives the use of Latin in society, and brings society close to Christendom, I am all for press releases. Even if they be simple stories that give a good business a good name, p.r. is legitimate advertising. Sorry you were disappointed.
"Iustus ut palma florebit. Sicut Cedrus Libani multiplicabitur." <><
Posted by: MD | July 28, 2005 at 11:00 PM