First, there's an underwater humanoid robot named Artemis, put together by Texas' Mainland Robotics Team...
Then, Jo Hilton, owner of Wig Wham, is up for a Hera Award (the Everywoman categories [UK] also include Artemis, Demeter, and Athena Awards)...
And...sequins are in! As Marylou Luther (Cleveland Plain Dealer) describes the trend:
They're already sending off sparks in Roland Nivelais' new collection. The French-born New York designer has celebrated these glittering spangles (in his native France, they're called paillettes) in the truly breathtaking design illustrated here. Each sequin is hand-embroidered in overlapping rows that ombre from black to pink to give the effect of fish scales.
To complete the mermaid effect, Nivelais creates a skirt of vertical ruffles made of hand-painted, satin-faced organza. Think goddess Aphrodite stepping out of the ocean on the island of Cypress, and you have some idea of this goddess gown.
[In other editing news (uh-oh, catty comment coming up!), Marvin Olasky refers to a "Milton of Croton" in a piece on the Olympics...Milton, thou shouldst have been living at that hour! For Milo(n), see this or any number of reference works...]